Hogwarts legacy companions reddit
Hogwarts legacy companions reddit

hogwarts legacy companions reddit

You will see them show up in corridors time to time, doing some side activity or asking you for help with some little quest. These 3 have their quest lines and stories and characters that you will grow attached to somewhat.Īpart from this you will have a larger group of acquaintances who you know and interact with. You will have a core group of 3 friends (Natsai Onai, Sebastian Sallow and Poppy Sweeting). Outside of class i saw her in the corridors talking about something, referencing how the player had helped her in an earlier mini quest.įrom this i think it will work like this: Also saw one of the ravenclaw students in class.

hogwarts legacy companions reddit

I saw a host of faces who i think we will recognise as regular classmates but not as companions per se.įor example, i saw that Gryffindor student who was doing the accio minigame in the preview gameplays. In other words they were not your companions.Īfter watching every single leak and livestream, around 3-4 hours in total we didn't see any companion quests.īut i feel they've nailed the school NPC's really well, there are 3 tiers, Companions, Regular Faces and just Random People who you've never spoken to for the whole time you were there. You were not that close to them that you would chill with them every day, run out of lessons and cause disruption in the class. You may have spoken to them 3-4 times but other than that they were just a regular face you saw in class. You may have helped them find a classroom, or you may have directed them to the bathrooms or perhaps to the teachers officer when they were lost. This larger group of familiar faces were in the same lessons as you and you saw them at break time and lunch time and you saw them going to and from lessons etc, but you didnt know them that well. So think back to when you were at school, you had a few good friends who you did everything with together and a larger group of people who ya kinda knew but weren't that close with.

Hogwarts legacy companions reddit